Inglês, perguntado por aninhacaroal, 1 ano atrás

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" Elabore 10 frases com;Nouns, proper nouns, com mon nouns, adjective, article( a, an, the),Pronous( i, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) Verb to be; ( Am, Are, Is) Present Continuos: Am, Are, Is

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaelrosagui

1) I have a red car. Usually, I wash my car once a week.

2) He is handsome, tall and has brown hair.

3) I am playing video games now. But I will study later.

4) He is running right now.

5) I was watching tv when you called me.

6) The boy was crying yesterday at the mall.

7) New York is a beautiful city.

8) It's hard to play basketball.

9) I will be there when you arrive.

10) This is a horror story.

  • Lembrando que nouns são substantivos que tem como objetivo em uma frase nomear as coisas em geral, como: objetos, lugares, sentimentos, entre outros;

  • Outro ponto importante e que Present Continuos tem como composicao na frase o verbo to be + ing;

  • Os artigos "an" e "a" tem a mesma função do um ( sem ser contavel) nas frases em Portugues.
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