gente por favor me ajuda nesse dever.
Soluções para a tarefa
task 1
1 - were
2 - was
3 - were
4 - was
5 - were
6 - was
7 - were
8 - were
9 - was
10 - was
task 2
1 - wasn't
2 - weren't
3 - wasn't
4 - wasn't
5 - weren't
6 - weren't
7 - wasn't
8 - wasn't
9 - wasn't
10 - weren't
task 3
1 - driving
2 - tapping
3 - running
4 - wearing
5 - shouting
6 - doing
7 - swimming
8 - sneezing
9 - looking
10 - texting
task 4
1 - we were thinking about recycling
2 - they weren't singing at the concert
3 - i'm not paying attention
4 - (essa alternativa ta errada, falta um sujeito, sem sujeito não tem como formar frase vou considerar o sujeito como sendo "you") why weren't you watching the movie?
5 - who was clapping at the end?
task 5 (é só circular ou sublinhar as formas corretas)
1 - reading / came
2 - taking / went
3 - started / were walking
4 - were eating / knocked
5 - were walking / saw