Forme 20 frases usando o verbo to be
Soluções para a tarefa
Frases e traduções:
1) I am living today/ Estou partindo hoje
2) You are grea'/ Você está ótimo
3) It is located on Linon Avenue/ Ele se localiza na Avenida Linon
4) He is a model in Brazil/ Ele é um modelo no brasil
5) I am very shy/ sou muito tímido
6) My mother is a shopaholic person/ Minha mãe é uma pessoa copulsiva
7) My father is the manager of this enterprise/ meu pai é gerente dessa empresa
8) We are at New York now/ Estamos em nova iorque agora
9)My cousin is in the room/ meu primo está na sala
10) You are strange! / você é estranho
11) They are playing basketball/ eles estão jogando basquete
12)The are trying togeta ticket/ eles estão tentando conseguir passagem
13) Marcos is planning a new project/ Marcos está planejando um novo projeto
14) That girl is disobedient/ aquela menina é desobediente
15) My girlfriend is gealous/ minha namorada é ciumenta
16) His parents are funny/ os pais dele são engrassados
17) I am student at the moment/ sou estudante no momento
18) I am dressing a new pants/ estou vestindo uma calça nova
19) She is a little crazy/ ela é meio maluca
20) I think he is handsome/ acho que ele é bonito
Espero ter ajudado!!
A fim de que se forme vinte frases utilizando o verbo to be, é necessário que se compreenda mais sobre ele.
Sobre o verbo to be:
- É um verbo irregular, possui três formas no Simple Present, duas formas no Simple Past, uma forma no Simple Future, uma forma no Present Participle e uma forma no Past Participle.
- Verbo to be no Simple Presente - I am / You are / He is, She is, It is / We are / You are / They are.
- Verbo to be no Simple Past - I was / You were / He was, She was, It was / We were / You were / They were.
- Verbo to be no Simple future - I will be / You will be / He will be, She will be, It will be / We will be / You will be/ They will be.
- Present Participle do verbo to be - being.
- Past Participle do verbo to be - been.
Com base nessas informações, é possível que se forme vinte frases utilizando o verbo to be:
- Jonh is a doctor.
- Sarah and her sister are german.
- I am the first daughter of my parents.
- I was proud on my nephew when he finished the university.
- We were very young when we learned to swim.
- It was a scaring lion!
- I will be at home when you arrive.
- Will you be at the gym later?
- They will be ready when their father pick them up.
- Being alone is not fun.
- I have never been in Japan.
- Is she already at the university?
- They are close to hospital.
- We are not ready to the test at all!
- Will They be at their mother's place in the christmas?
- You will not be at school on holiday, surely.
- Will I marry him? I am not sure about it yet!
- Being a mother is difficult but it's awsome at the same time.
- I have been worried abou my grades.
- Are you sure about this choice?
Aprenda mais sobre o verbo to be aqui: