Inglês, perguntado por sofiaalmeida53, 1 ano atrás

Fill in the blanks using A, AN, SOME or ANY.
a) I don’t have ______books to read now. I need to go to the bookstore to buy ______.
b) I’m watching ______ interesting documentary.
c) There is ______ bottle of water in the fridge.
d) Did your father give you ______ help with your homework?
e) I need to buy ______ tomatoes to prepare the sauce. Can you go to the supermarket for me, p

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucaseskudlark

Primeiro vamos aos conceitos de cada uso:

A - Se refere a um item no singular, quando este começa em consoante

AN - Se refere a um item no singular, quando este começa com vogal

SOME - Se refere a um conjunto de itens, usado em frases afirmativas

ANY - Se refere a um conjunto de itens, mas SÓ é usado em frases negativas e/ou interrogativas


a) I don’t have any books to read now. I need to go to the bookstore to buy some.

b) I’m watching an interesting documentary.

c) There is a bottle of water in the fridge.

d)  Did your father give you any help with your homework?

e) I need to buy some tomatoes to prepare the sauce. Can you go to the supermarket for me, please?

Respondido por brunnaguerinbg

a) any

b) a

c) a

d) some

e) some

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