• Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequecy (some sentences mau have more than one answer.)
1. My brother is never sad. He’s __________ happy. Resposta: always
2. I was late for work only one time last year. I’m ______________________ late.
3. Mary falied one test in high school. She ____________________ passed her tests.
4. I always remember to do my homework. I ____________________ forget to do it.
5. Steven seldom goes to a cinema. He _____________________ sees movies.
6. Judy saw a doctor f the fisrt time in three years. She ______________ gets sick.
7. I get up at five o’clock seven days a week. I __________________ get up early.
8. It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I ______________ see snow.
9. A: Do you ever drink coffee? B: Yes, but only ______________, not often. Just a few times a week.
10. My sister almost never eats burgers and fries. She ________________ eats healthy foods.
11. I _________________ take a bus to class, maybe three or four days a week. 12. A: Do you ever watch action movies? B: No, never. Well, I watched an action movies a few years ago, so I guess I should say ________.Resposta: rarely
1. always2. hardly ever / rarely / seldon3. amost always4. never5. rarely / hardly ever6. seldom / rarely / hardly ever7. always8. never9. sometimes10. almost always11. usually12. seldon / rarely / hardly ever
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒→→Adverbs of frequency
1. My brother is never sad. He’s always happy. Resposta: always
2. I was late for work only one time last year. I’m hardly ever late.
3. Mary failed one test in high school. She usually passed her tests.
4. I always remember to do my homework. I never forget to do it.
5. Steven seldom goes to a cinema. He rarely sees movies.
6. Judy saw a doctor f the fisrt time in three years. She hardly ever gets sick.
7. I get up at five o’clock seven days a week. I always get up early.
8. It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I never see snow.
9. A: Do you ever drink coffee? B: Yes, but only sometimes, not often. Just a few times a week.
10. My sister hardly ever eats burgers and fries. She usually eats healthy foods.
11. I almost always take a bus to class, maybe three or four days a week.
12. A: Do you ever watch action movies?
B: No, never. Well, I watched an action movie a few years ago, so I guess I should say rarely .Resposta: rarely
⇒⇒ Advérbios de frequência: indicam a frequência com que algo é feito. Normalmente, os advérbios de frequência, em inglês, são colocados ANTES do verbo principal e após o ''modal verb'' >> would, can, may, should, etc.
→→ O advérbio de frequência deve vir SEMPRE antes do verbo principal.
I never get up late.
They always play drums.
You should always wake up at 7:00am.
Subject + modal verb + adverb of frequency + verbo principal
You should always respect your parents.
→→ O advérbio de frequência deve vir SEMPRE depois do verbo ''to be''
I am never late for school.
He is always at school at 7:20am.
She is rarely late.
Estrutura com verbo ''to be''
Sujeito + verbo to be + advérbio frequência + complemento
I am never tired.
→→ Se tiver dois verbos o advérbio de frequência deve estar SEMPRE entre os dois verbos:
I can always speak fast.
They can never arrive on time.
Sujeito + verbo + advérbio frequência + verbo + complemento
They can rarely arrive on time.
→→ Alguns advérbios de frequência podem ser colocados no início ou no final da frase.
Occasionally they run at the park.
They run at the park occasionally.
The baby cannot sleep sometimes.
Sometimes the baby cannot sleep.
Aprenda mais com:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25487181
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25900047