Inglês, perguntado por boogie76, 9 meses atrás

Fill in never or ever in the correct place:
1. I have been to London.
2. Have you seen the Eiffel Tower?
3. I have skated on the skating-rink.
4. Sam has been to a football match.
5. Have you flown to Madrid?
6. We have travelled by plane.
7.  Liz has booked a trip to Morocco.
8. Has Tom cooked lunch?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


1. I have never been to London.

2. Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?

3. I have never skated on the skating-rink.

4. Sam has never been to a football match.

5. Have you ever flown to Madrid?

6. We have never travelled by plane.

7.  Liz has never booked a trip to Morocco.

8. Has Tom ever cooked lunch?


ever - em perguntas - significa ''alguma vez''

never - significa ''nunca''

Respondido por bellamazetti
1. I have never been to London

2. Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?

3. I have never skated on the skating-rink

4. Sam has never been to a football match

5. Have you ever flown to Madrid

6. We have never travelled by plane

7. Liz has never booked a trip to Morocco

8. Has Tom ever cooked lunch?
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