Inglês, perguntado por pxds, 11 meses atrás

faça cinco frases no third condicional com as seguintes palavras - allow, check, declare, land, e receive

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LeMarqs
O third conditional expressa algo que não aconteceu e "imagina" o que teria acontecido se esse primeiro evento tivesse ocorrido. É formado da seguinte forma:
if+past perfect .... would + have + past participle
Então, com as palavras que você precisa:

ALLOW - If they had allowed more people came in at the store they would have sold all the shirts.

CHECK - If I had checked my bag before we leave I would have noticed my phone was missing. 

DECLARE - If the government hadn't declare war a lot of people would have been alive

LAND - If they hadn't used the seat belt they wouldn't have landed safely

RECEIVE - If you had asked her you would have received the dessert
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