Inglês, perguntado por rian5724, 4 meses atrás


1. Complete os espaços abaixo com o verbo auxiliar adequado para que a frase fique escrita no

passado contínuo:

a) It ____________ raining last night. b) We ___________ living in São Paulo last year.
c) I _____________ traveling alone yesterday.
d) You __________ saying something to her last week.
e) He ___________ feeling well

yesterday. 2. Escreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa:

a) I was dancing while she sang. _____________________________________________________

b) They were helping my brothers. ____________________________________________________

c) She was writing an e-mail to me.____________________________________________________

d) I was drinking tea last night. _______________________________________________________

e) You were swimming in the sea. _____________________________________________________

3. Escrevas os verbos auxiliares de frases no passado contínuo: __________________________________________________________________________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por catarinawmendonca


a) was

b) were

c) was

d) were

e) was

2-a) I wasn't dancing while she sang.

b) They weren't helping mg brothers

c) She wasn't writing an email to me

d) I wasn't drinking tea last night

e) You weren't swimming in the sea

3) was and were

rian5724: thank you
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