Inglês, perguntado por sla888, 4 meses atrás

EXERCÍCIOS Questão 1: Passe as perguntas diretas dadas para indiretas, seguindo os modelos abaixo. A. What is your name? → He asked what was my name. a) What is your car? → He asked ____________________. b) What are our balls? → He asked ____________________. B. Is that book yours? → She asked if that book was mine. a) Is that phone yours? → She asked if ___________________. b) Are those books yours? → She asked if __________________.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por michaeldias2396


A -

a) He asked what was my car.

b) He asked what were our balls.

B -

a) She asked if that phone was mine.

b) She asked if those books were mine.

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