Inglês, perguntado por Cucbianca, 1 ano atrás

Exercício 1
Responda as perguntas, de acordo com a forma pedida entre parênteses:
Beth, are you making a cake?
(afirmativa) Yes, I am. I am making a chocolate cake.
a) Ian, what are you doing?
(afirmativa - read a magazine) ......................................................................
b) Is he playing football?
(negativa - tennis) ...........................................................................................
c) Are you taking care of the baby?
(negativa) ................................................... . Michael is taking care of Jim.
d) Is it raining?
(afirmativa) ................................................... and my umbrella is at home.
e) Where are you going, Nei?
(afirmativa - to the bank) ...............................................................................
f) Are they having lunch at the cafeteria?
(afirmativa) .............................................. . They are having hamburguers.
g) Are you watching TV?
(negativa) ................................................... . I am doing my homework.

Exercício 2
Complete os espaços em branco dos diálogos:
Mary - What a lovely melody!
John - It is coming from Toms apartment. He is playing (play) the piano.
a) Júlio - Where is Virgínia?
Beth - She .......................................(drink) a cup of coffee over there.
b) Father - The baby..........................................(cry).
Mother - He is hungry.
c) John - Hello! Is Mary there?
Ann - She is, but she cant answer the telephone because she..............
................................. (sleep) now.
d) Martha - Jack! The telephone ......................................... (ring).
Jack - I can get it!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por genyvasconcelos
Exercício 1: 
a) I'm reading a magazine. 
b) No, he isn't. He is playing tennis. 
c) No, I'm not. Michael is taking care of Jim. 
d) Yes, it is and my umbrella is at home. 
e) I'm going to the bank.
f) No, I'm not. I'm doing my homework.
Exercício 2:
a) She is drinking a cup of coffee over there.
b) The baby is crying. 
c) Because she is sleeping now.
d) The telephone is ringing. 
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