Inglês, perguntado por Josue2020, 1 ano atrás

Exemplos do verbo to be

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por falcond924

Primeira pessoa (I )

- I am your best friend.

- I am a nice helper.

- I am a strong person.

Segunda pessoa (You)

- You are strange

- You are my only hope

- You are very pretty

Terceira pessoa (He e She)

- He is a handsome guy

- She is not so smart

- He is very good at Chemistry

Primeira pessoa do plural (We)

- We are better together

- We are awful

- We are bad at working with unknown people

Terceira pessoal do plural (They)

- They are weird

- They are caring too much

- They are just teenagers

Espero que ajude :)

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