Inglês, perguntado por fs967, 9 meses atrás

Estamos estudando do e does. Preciso que seja transformado em modo interrogativo

Change to interrogative forn:
A) Mary eats hamburger every day.

B) My parents love to travel on te weekends.

C) You work in a private office.

D) The Science teacher does plysical exercises in the pork on Sundays.

E) The child plays at the Club with other children.

F) The dog sleeps on the floor.

G) They go to the movie theater on Wednesday.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por itaoads
Does mary eat hamburguer every day?
Do my parents love to travel on the weekends
Do you work in a private office
Does the science teacher do physical exercises in the pork on sundays
Does the child play at the club with other children
Does the dog sleep on the floor?
Will they go the movie theater on wednesday?
Respondido por claudiaprevi

Do e Does são utilizados em perguntas quando o verbo está conjugado no presente.

O auxiliar "do" vc usa para perguntas junto com os pronomes (I , you, we e they)

O auxiliar "does" vc usa para pronomes em terceira pessoa do singular (it, she e he).

A) Does Mary eat hamburger every day?

B) Do my parentes love to travel on the weekends?

C) Do you work in a private office?

D) Does the science teacher do plysical exercises in the pork on Sundays?

E) Does child play at the club with other children?

F) Does the dog sleep on the floor?

G) Will they go the movie theater on wednesday? (Neste caso estamos uma assumindo uma ação futura, então você terá que usar a condicional Will).

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