escreva senteças sobre sua cidade ou uma cidade que voce conheça ou queira conhecer the there is / are ou there , isn't aren't cinco sentenças
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In São Paulo there are a lot of people.
In São Paulo there are a lot of thefts.
São Paulo receives a lot of tourists,because there are much attractions.
I don't like Sao Paulo much, there is a hot climate out there.
In 25 de março there aren't things too expensive to buy,that's why I like to go there.
Espero ter ajudado,criei essas bem rápidas :D
In São Paulo there are a lot of thefts.
São Paulo receives a lot of tourists,because there are much attractions.
I don't like Sao Paulo much, there is a hot climate out there.
In 25 de março there aren't things too expensive to buy,that's why I like to go there.
Espero ter ajudado,criei essas bem rápidas :D
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