Inglês, perguntado por mirianmissiane8, 11 meses atrás

Escreva duas frases inglés usando food, beverage, verbs
and time.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yasrubio

I love natural and healthy food and my favorite beverage is apple juice.

To use the verbs correctly we need to know the time of the sentences.

Respondido por cookiecookiescookiee


Hello! Boa tarde

Food - I love chinese food; I do not like japanese food

Beverage- All I want right now is an ice cold beverage; I usually drink a beverage at night.

verbs- today had verb class; verbs are easy to study.

time- time passed so fast;  I remember the time when I was a child.

é isso, espero ter ajudado! ;)

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