Inglês, perguntado por laiisdealmeidaassis, 9 meses atrás

escreva as sensações a seguir utilizado 'will' futuro simples. (A) i am at home (B) you are there (C) he is a doctor. (D)she is a teacher (E)It is Fun. (F)we are better. (G)they are tired MIM AJUDEM PFVR ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Verb ''to be''  >>  Simple future using ''will''

As respostas para o exercício são:

(A) I am at home.       ⇔   I will be at home

(B) You are there.      ⇔   You will be there.

(C) He is a doctor.      ⇔   He will be a doctor.

(D) She is a teacher.   ⇔   She will be a teacher.

(E)  It is fun.                  ⇔   It will be fun.

(F)  We are better.       ⇔   We will be better.

(G)  They are tired.      ⇔   They will be tired.

⇒⇒  Verb ''to be''  -  Simple Future  >> vai ser sempre ''will be'' para todas as pessoas do verbo.


I will be back in the morning.

Susan  will be at home at 7pm.

Paul and Tom  will be together at the club.

The kids will be at school tomorrow morning.

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