Inglês, perguntado por leotavaresantos, 8 meses atrás

Escolha o verbo to be correto para formar perguntas: *
8 pontos
1 _________ your best friend good at football?
2 _________ you from the United States?
3 _________ your teacher Brazilian?
4 _________ your house big?
1 _________ your best friend good at football?
2 _________ you from the United States?
3 _________ your teacher Brazilian?
4 _________ your house big

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ivebeensleepinglatel

Olá Leo, tudo bem?

Então, as respostas corretas são:

1. Is

2. Are

3. Is

4. Is

Respondido por bonotomelissa


1. Is your best friend good at football?

2. Are you from the United States?

3. Is your teacher Brazilian?

4. Is your house big?


Usamos ARE para: you, they, we

Usamos IS para: he, she, it

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