Inglês, perguntado por ms2157851, 10 meses atrás

Entrevista sobre Billie eilish.
PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS ( as respostas devem ser de verdade sobre ela).
Em inglês por favor

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por humh


Pergunta: I was wondering is there any songs that you recorded that you love, but you didin´t get a chance to shoot a video for and if so, what songs are they?

Resposta: That is such a good question, ´´i love you´´ is one of my favorite songs of my own and i didin´t get to make a video for it, same with ´´ilo milo´´. It´s just like the time got away from me, you know?

Pergunta: would you rather fresh socks or fresh sheets?

Resposta: Oh my god, i can´t have both, Justin? It really depends the situation, i really don´t want to sleep in dirty sheets and i really don´t want to put on dirty socks, you know? I feel like fresh sheets, but also i can´t wear dirty socks.

Pergunta: When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Resposta: I went on a date for the first time yesterday so...

Pergunta: I was wondering if you were doing karaoke with a group of your closest friends what would be your go to karaoke song?

Resposta: I really love her, i think that those i feel empowered when i sing her songs or like... chief keef.

Pergunta: I was wondering if there are any shows in particular that you see a video of or see pictures from and you have no memory of actually playing them?

Resposta: Yeah, I do all the time. I think it was like blue, it was like a fuzzy blue with a orange fire things on it. And i also remember things by what i´m wearing, so when i see stuff whre i´m wearing something specific i´m like ´´What was that?´´ I don´t know, couldn´t tell you.

Explicação: de nada:)

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