Inglês, perguntado por 00001103525906sp, 4 meses atrás

Entretanto, em poucos casos o plural é feito mudando a vogal das palavras observe:

Rewrite in The plural:
5-Reescreva as sentenças a seguir no plural :
a) I can see a man at work.____________________________________________
b) Where is that woman going?_________________________________________
c) The girl has a tatoo on her right foot.__________________________________
d) What does this boy have in his tooth?__________________________________
e) A Man and a woman use a telephone booth. ___________________________
f) Look! An elephant is kicking a football__________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marciaemiliadascola


a) I can see men at work

b) Where are these women going

c) The girls have a tatoo on their right feet .

d ) What do these boys have in their teeth

e ) The  men and the women uses a telephone

f) Look ! The elephants are kicking  football


00001103525906sp: obrigada
marciaemiliadascola: de nada
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