Inglês, perguntado por manoellylucenaferrei, 10 meses atrás

Em qual sentença você consegue achar um


a) There weren’t children in the park this morning.

b) There was a terrible accident on the road


c) Were there special books on sale last weekend?

d) There wasn’t insects in that laboratory.

e) There were a flower.

 Escolha a opção correta

a) Rose is plaing tennis on weekends.

b) We are working with a new computer now.

c) Bob is taking a bus every day?

d) My friends are swiming at the club at the moment.

e) Robert is speakking German.

 Qual alternativa apresenta o Present

Continuous empregado corretamente?

a) Alex is plaing guitar yesterday.

b) Rebecca was dancing tango tomorrow.

c) You were talking to James now.

d) They are traveling to Miami last night.

e) Mary and Paul are eating cake.

 Assinale a alternativa onde o Future Tense

está usado de modo errado.

a) He will to be to Spain last year.

b) We will are you next year.

c) Will Robbin and Ted be to school?

d) They will not was to visit us next month.

e) Dad will is busy.

 “His mouth was too small”. As palavras em

destaque são, respectivamente,

a) pronome e verbo To Be.

b) preposição e falso cognato.

c) adjetivo e verbo To Be.

d) artigo e adjetivo.

e) pronome e adjetivo..​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por andrevictorvictor7

nai sei

só quero pontos de desculpa

semnometriz: mds
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