Inglês, perguntado por GiovanaMesquita1766, 11 meses atrás

ELECTRONIC BOOKS AND PRINTED BOOKSBy James Surowiecki7As a recent report from the Codex Group showed, looking around bookstores is still a far morecommon way of finding new books than either online search or social media. In fact, independent bookstores are now thriving, thanks in large part to their dose ties to both publishers and customers. "Stores that can help you not just find what you're looking for but also help you discover books you haven t heard of are still very valuable to readers." says Daniel Raff, a management professor at Wharton.2Of course, a lot of people believe that physical books are "technologically obsolete." and that the book industry is heading down the path that the music industry took, where digital downloads decimated CD sates and put record stores out of business. It's true that between 2009 and 2011 e-book sates rose at triple-digit annual rates. But last year, according to industry trade groups, e-book sates rose just forty-four per cent. (They currently account for about a fifth of the total market.) This kind of deceleration in the growth rate isn't what you'd expect if e-books were going to replace printed books anytime soon. In a recent survey by the Codex Group, ninety-seven per cent of people vAio read e-books said that they were still loyal to print and only three per cent of frequent book buyers read only digital.3E-books obviously have certain advantages (like the fact that you can carry tots of them around with you), but for many book buyers their main appeal is that they're cheaper Against that the Codex Group finds that people of all ages still prefer print for serious reading; e-book sates are dominated by genre fiction— Tight reading." This may be just a prejudice that will vanish as e-books become more common. But we do read things differently when they're on a page rather than on a screen. A study this year found that people reading on a screen tended to skip around more and read less intensively, and plenty of research confirms that people tend to comprehend less of what they read on a screen. The differences are small, but they may explain the persistent appeal of paper. Indeed, hardcover book sales rose last year by a hundred million dollars.4For many people, as a number of studies show, reading is a genuinely tactile experience—how a book feels and looks has a material impact on how we feei about reading. This isn't necessarily traditionalism or nostalgia. The truth is that the book is an exceptionally good piece of technology-easy to read, portable, durable, and inexpensive. Unlike the phase-change move toward digital that we saw in music, the transition toe-books is going to be stow; coexistence is more likely than conquest. The book isn't obsolete.Adapted from The New Yorker. July 29.2013.11'XTFGV IGRADUAÇÃOI 31/05/2015| A31With respect to independent bookstores, which of the following is most supported by theinformation in the article?A They have recently become more profitable than online booksellers.B They have never been so profitable as they are nowadays.C They have had to enter into strategic partnerships with book publishers in order to avoid bankruptcy.D They have been able to strengthen their business by both selling to customers and providing them with information.E They have become even more important because they advise customers on which authors to read and publishers on which authors to publish.


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Respondido por Giuliane6

Olá! Bom vamos lá!

Como resumo do nosso texto podemos tirar que temos as diferenças entre o livro impresso e os e-books que são os livros digitais, os e books ganharam espaço no mercado mas ainda assim conseguimos perceber que boa parte da população gosta dos livros impressos, pois ler é uma experiencia única e tatil, que nos faz querer tocar e cheirar os livros, no virtual isso não é possivel.

Além disso na pesquisa foi visto que boa parte das pessoas pula muitas partes do livro quando ele é digital e isso já não acontece nos livros impressos.

Nessa questão podemos dizer que as livrarias independentes conseguem sim sobreviver, por isso a resposta correta é a letra D!

Espero ter ajudado em algo!

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