Elabore uma entrevista em inglês utilizando os verbos regulares e irregulares nas 03 formas, no tempo presente e em seguida muda-lá para a forma de um texto narrativo na 3° pessoa do singular.
Soluções para a tarefa
Hi, how are you? Ready for the interview?
Tell me about you. How old are you?
– I’m 45 years old.
Where do you live?
– 988 João Alves Avenue, North zone, Vila Pires – São Paulo
When were you born?
– I was born on June 2nd, 1962.
How many children do you have?
– I have one daughter.
How old is she?
– She is twelve years old.
Are you married?
– Yes, I am.
Você ainda se confunde com os tempos verbais em inglês? Faça o download do Guia de Tempos Verbais em Inglês oferecido pela English Live. Ele tem um resumo bem estruturado para você revisar os conceitos que aprendeu na escola.
Download do Guia em PDF - Grátis!
How long have you been married?
– I’ve been married for 19 years.
What’s your wife’s name?
– My wife’s name is de Carla Bovolini.
How old is she?
– She is thirty-eight years old.
What’s her job?
– She is a Portuguese Teacher.
I hope that helps!