Inglês, perguntado por yasmimluanda6, 8 meses atrás

eca 1-Mark the correct alternative of Present Perfect Tense, according to the sentences, respectively: (1,0) They listened; She drunk a lot; Jane and Paul just married A)have -has- have - b) has - have - have c) has - has-have 2-WHich answer in the Perfect tense, is used correctly?(1,0) a) I has bought a new computer.( ) b) I have bought a new computer. ( ) c) I have buyed a new computer. ( )​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Mundodadudinhagames

Tradução:eca 1-Marque a alternativa correta do Present Perfect Tense, de acordo com as sentenças, respectivamente: (1,0) Eles ouviram; Ela bebeu muito; Jane e Paul acabaram de se casar A) have-has- have - b) has - have

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