Inglês, perguntado por gulartejulianaluiz, 4 meses atrás

Under threat from urban development and demographics, the São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve in Brazil is receiving an increasing number of visitors. A plan to teach sustainable tourism is designed to make the local young people aware of the fragile nature of their environment while also lifting them out of the poverty trap.
Scan the text to check your predictions. Then read the whole text.
The road that leads to Paranapiacaba crosses the heart of the Mata Atlântica, the Brazilian Atlantic forest. This little town is dependent on Santo André, one of the towns in the suburbs of São Paulo that is part of what is known as the "Green Belt". In summer, the road is sprinkled with manacá flowers, whose 5 white and violet colours contrast with the green of the abundant vegetation. It is difficult to believe that such a natural paradise can exist near a megalopolis of 17.8 million people like São Paulo. And in the space of barely 40 minutes, you can go from a world of concrete and asphalt to this ocean of greenery. But this paradise is under threat from anarchic urbanization of the surrounding towns. With 10 already 92 percent of its original surface area lost, the Mata Atlântica is a victim of the attraction it holds for the people of the São Paulo region. Already a popular destination for São Paulo residents, the forest is attracting increasing numbers of foreign tourists with disastrous consequences for the environment.
That is why in 1994 UNESCO made the São Paulo City Green Belt a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in order to preserve the natural heritage site that is home to one of the greatest examples of biodiversity in the world. Paranapiacaba is now one of the bases for the Youth Training Programme for Ecojobs, an education project created in 1996 to introduce pupils to activities related to sustainable development and to promote environmental protection in the region.(From "A Biosphere Reserve Teams Up with Green Tourism, by Gabriela Michelotti, in the New Courier, UNESCO, May 2006,
A Little Help
aware: conscious, knowing about
barely only, almost not
be sprinkled with: have a lot (of them) here and there
development: progress over a period of time
heritage: important elements in a culture
lift them out of the poverty trap: move them to a better position, out of poverty, get a job

lost: not existing anymore
surrounding: all around the place
sustainable: able to be sustained, continue without causing damage to the environment threat: a situation that can cause danger

General Comprehension. Finding the Main Idea

Which of the following statements shows the main idea (not just the details) of the text? (Quais das seguintes declarações apresenta a ideia principal do texto?)

1. The Mata Atlântica is the main tourist attraction for São Paulo residents.

2. The Mata Atlântica is a victim of urban development and demographics, but there is hope for its future.

3. The Mata Atlântica has a high tourism potential for foreign visitors, which is good for local people.

4. The Mata Atlântica is teaching young people how to preserve its biodiversity.

2. Scan the text and match each word listed below with its meaning in Portuguese.
(Marque cada palavra abaixo com seu significado em português)
1. ( ) (introduction line 7) while a. para, a fim de
2. ( ) (line 4) whose b. já
3. ( ) (line 9) under c. por que
4. ( ) (line 10) already d. cujo(s)/cuja(s)
5. ( ) (line 15) in order to e. enquanto
6. ( ) (line 6) such a f. sob
7. ( ) (line 7) like g.tal/tais com
8. ( ) (line 14) why h. como, igual a

gulartejulianaluiz: E pra hoje me ajudem por favor
NicolleFazPerguntas: Não ented[
NicolleFazPerguntas: aaaa
NicolleFazPerguntas: Quiz dizer:
NicolleFazPerguntas: não entendi

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por julianaamaistriste


1) 2° opção

2) 7° opção

espero ter ajudado!!

gulartejulianaluiz: Muito obrigado ;)
julianaamaistriste: maginaa
NicolleFazPerguntas: se leu tudo '-'
julianaamaistriste: simmm, pq??
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