Inglês, perguntado por liviagleandro, 9 meses atrás

Conversation 1 – nesta primeira conversa dois universitários estão falando sobre a localização da biblioteca:

Paul: Hi. Excuse me.
Maria: Yes?
Paul: Where's the library?
Maria: The library? It's next to the registration office.
Paul: Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office?
Maria : No problem. See the big building over there?
Paul: Yes.
Maria : OK, so that's the lecture theatre. / THEATER Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library.
Paul: I see. Thanks!

Conversation 2 – Nesta conversa, Paul chega até a biblioteca e fala com o bibliotecário:

Paul: Hello?
Librarian: Hello.
Paul: Is this the library?
Librarian: Yes, it is. Quiet, please.
Paul: Oh, sorry. Thank you.
Librarian: Can I help you?
Paul: Er, yes, please. I want to borrow some books. What do I need?
Librarian: You need a library card. Here's the application form. You can take up to six books maximum today.
Paul: OK. Six books.
Librarian: Yes. You have two weeks to read the books. Then you bring them back.
Paul: And if I'm late?
Librarian: Every day you are late there is a fee of fifty pence.
Paul: OK, 50p a day. Er, anything else? 8
Librarian: Mobile phones must be switched off in the library. You can bring your laptop, but please use headphones to watch videos or listen to music.
Paul: OK, great.
Librarian: And you can't bring food or drink.
Paul: No food, no drink. And ...?
Librarian: And please speak quietly! People are working here.

Vocabulary: next to = próximo ; registration office = escritório / departamento de registro; building = prédio; over there = ali; lecture = palestra; on the right = à direita; borrow = emprestar; library card = carteirinha da biblioteca; application form = ficha a ser preenchida para, no caso, a pessoa ter sua carteirinha da biblioteca; weeks = semanas; bring them back = trazê-los de volta; late = atrasado; fee = multa; 50p = 50 pence (50 centavos); a day = por dia; switched off = desligado; headphones = fone de ouvido

1 - Qual ideia NÃO está contida nos textos acima:

(A) Paul não sabe onde fica a biblioteca.
(B) São cobrados cinquenta centavos de multa por dia de atraso na devolução de um libro.
(C) A biblioteca fica aberta apenas 2 dias por semana.
(D) Não se pode comer e beber dentro da biblioteca.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luizapachecoc
(C) A biblioteca fica aberta apenas 2 dias
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