Inglês, perguntado por eduardamilenadosreis, 3 meses atrás

Conplete as frases *afirmativas* com o verbo entre parênteses.
*ATENÇÃO* para a regra sa 3 pessoa do singular (he, she, it)!
OBS: Consulte a folha em PDF à cima☝

a) You___every day. (To do: fazer)
b) The man___history. (To teach: ensinar)
c) I____the baby. (to kiss: beijar)
d) We___on the bench in the park. (to sit: sentar)
e) They____cars. (to sell: vender)
f) My brother____computers. (to fix: consertar)
g) Jane___spaghetti sometimes. (to cook: cozinhar)
h) The meeting____at 5 p.m (to finish: terminar)
i) Ed Sheeran also____songs. (to write: escrever)
j) You and I_______to work much (to have: ter, ter que)
k) He____some books about this. (to have: ter, ter que)​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo


a) You do every day. (To do: fazer)

b) The man teaches history. (To teach: ensinar)

c) I kiss the baby. (to kiss: beijar)

d) We sit on the bench in the park. (to sit: sentar)

e) They sell cars. (to sell: vender)

f) My brother fixes computers. (to fix: consertar)

g) Jane cooks spaghetti sometimes. (to cook: cozinhar)

h) The meeting finishes at 5 p.m (to finish: terminar)

i) Ed Sheeran also writes songs. (to write: escrever)

j) You and I have to work much (to have: ter, ter que)

k) He has some books about this. (to have: ter, ter que)​

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