Inglês, perguntado por Christauz, 4 meses atrás

Complete with Present Continuous, and turn into Interrogative and Negative form:

The boys ---------------------------------- ( to play ) in the garden.

------------------------------------------( to walk ) with the dog in the morning.

It ---------------------------------------------( to rain ) yesterday.

Sandy ---------------------------------------( to wear) red t-shirt.

The kids ------------------------------------( to do ) homework.

The cat -------------------------------------(to sleep ) in the basket.

The sun -------------------------------------(to shine ) today.

You ------------------------------------------( to travel ) last year.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por zBunnie

The boys are playing in the garden.

Are the boys playing in the garden?

The boys are not playing in the garden.

We are walking with the dog in the morning.

Are we walking with the dog in the morning?

We are not walking with the dog in the morning.

It was raining yesterday.

was it raining yesterday?

It wasn't raining yesterday.

Sandy was wearing red t-shirt.

Was Sandy wearing red t-shirt?

Sandy wasn't wearing red t-shirt.

The kids are doing homework.

Are the kids doing homework?

The kids are not doing homework.

The cat is sleeping in the basket.

Is the cat sleeping in the basket?

The cat isn't sleeping in the basket.

The sun is shining today.

Is the sun shining today?

The sun isn't shining today.

You were traveling last year.

Were you traveling last year?

You weren't traveling last year.

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