Inglês, perguntado por joaomacru13, 5 meses atrás

Complete the words. 1. My brother plays the t in a jazz band. 2. I bought a small wooden s of a turtle when I was in Costa Rica. 3. It’s easy to play the h . You put the small instrument in your hands and move it across your mouth. 4. I like to read c on the weekends. I really enjoy the drawings and the action in the stories. 5. It’s hard for me to play the f because my hands are so big!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MonoKuhaku


1. My brother plays the trumpet in a jazz band.

2. I bought a small wooden souvenir of a turtle when I was in Costa Rica.

3. It’s easy to play the harmonica. You put the small instrument in your hands and move it across your mouth.

4. I like to read cartoons on the weekends. I really enjoy the drawings and the action in the stories.

5. It’s hard for me to play the flute because my hands are so big!

MonoKuhaku: Olá. Criei uma página de dicas de inglês no Insta, o nome é ingles.ez, caso queira acessar ou saiba de alguém que queira. Obrigado :)
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