Inglês, perguntado por carolinepachecodasil, 7 meses atrás

Complete the sentences with the verb there to be in the present tense - affirmative or negative form/ Complete as frases com o verbo there to be no tempo presente - forma afirmativa ou negativa. 1.________ a library next to the park. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por emilybezerra1258

There is a library next to the park

carolinepachecodasil: obrigada
carolinepachecodasil: consegue me ajuda responder essas também por favor?
carolinepachecodasil: Complete as frases com o verbo there to be no tempo presente - forma afirmativa ou negativa. 2.________ 50 states in the United States. *
3. No,________ polar bears at the South Pole.
4. A:________ a message for me?B: No, _____________. *
5. How many days________ in March, thirty or thirty-one?
6. ________ a restaurant across the street.
7. ________ public holidays next month.
8. How many countries________ in the world?
9. ________ a woman in the picture. She is smiling.
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