Inglês, perguntado por mdjdddg, 7 meses atrás

Complete the sentences with 1st or 2nd Conditional:

a. If he_____________________(be) in your shoes, he would have the courage to tell.

b. If she___________(start) early, she would finish in time.

c. If we can visit her, we ________________ take a cake for her.

d. We __________________ talk to your friend if we see him, ok?

e. If you don´t give up this idea, you ___________________ be successful.

f. I’ll be happy if she ________________ (come) to my party.

g. You´d be very disappointed if Sarah _____________________ help you.

h. I´ll prepare a good dinner for you if you ______________ (ask)

i. They _______________ talk to her if she doesn´t call them.

j. Where ______________ you do if you have to go now?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  First Conditional

⇒⇒  Second Conditional

a. If he was  in your shoes, he would have the courage to tell.

b. If she started early, she would finish in time.

c. If we can visit her, we will take a cake for her.

d. We will talk to your friend if we see him, ok?

e. If you don´t give up this idea, you won't be successful.

f. I’ll be happy if she comes to my party.

g. You´d be very disappointed if Sarah didn't help you.

h. I´ll prepare a good dinner for you if you ask.

i. They won't talk to her if she doesn´t call them.

j. Where will you go if you have to go now?​


→→  First Conditional / Primeira Condicional >> Situação real ou possível


If + sujeito + present neg/afirm. + will/won't + verbo+compl

If      she            is    happy I will          be     happy.

If      you     don't  study  more  you won't     get good grades.

If     Tom     arrives after 9pm  we won't have dinner together.

→→ Second Conditional / Segunda Condicional >> situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional. O verbo no passado indica a condição e ''would'' + verbo indica o resultado futuro.


If + past aff./neg. + would /wouldn't + infinitive ......

If I had more money, I would travel a lot.

Se eu tivesse mais dinheiro, eu viajaria muito.

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