Inglês, perguntado por pamarnackaitekamile, 2 meses atrás

Complete the sentences using a suitable verb from the list in the
Past Perfect .
1. By the time the bell rang, Mark
Jhis lunch at the canteen.
2. Bob's cat
up a tree before the day it saw the
neighbour's new bulldog.
3. Jim's mother
Djust! him a beautiful tale when
somebody rang the door bell.
4. Peter and his dog
under the table by the time
Peter's father started looking for them.
5. Dave
his teeth before his mother
told him to go to bed.
6. They
la ride in a gondola until they
went to Venice last year.
7. By the time the match finished, the boys
three goals.
8. They
best friends before they started
going to primary school.
9. Bob couldn't lift the bag as he
a lot of books in it.
10. Ted started to run after he
the dangerous dog
11. The bus already by the time he arrived at the bus stop.
12. Henry I just the dog when he heard a strange noise

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alipiohagge

Você sabe o que é Past Perfect?

Past Perfect é um tempo verbal usado para referir-se à ações passadas que aconteceram antes de outra ação que também ocorreu no passado.

Exemplo: Sujeito + had + verbo principal no passado perfeito + complemento.

Agora que você já sabe o que é Past perfect, vamos completar as sentenças:

1. By the time the bell rang, Mark hadn't finished Jhis lunch at the canteen.

2. Bob's cat hadn't climbed up a tree before the day it saw the

neighbour's new bulldog.

3. Jim's mother had just told him a beautiful tale when somebody rang the door bell.

4. Peter and his dog had hidden under the table by the time Peter's father started looking for them.

5. Dave had already brushed his teeth before his mother

told him to go to bed.

6. They had never had a ride in a gondola until they went to Venice last year.

7. By the time the match finished, the boys had scored three goals.

8. They had already become best friends before they started

going to primary school.

9. Bob couldn't lift the bag as he had put a lot of books in it.

10. Ted started to run after he had seen the dangerous dog.

11. The bus had already left by the time he arrived at the bus stop.

12. Henry had just fed the dog when he heard a strange noise.

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