Inglês, perguntado por alicenogsou, 8 meses atrás

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of going to and a verb form the box.
be pass rain not enjoy miss travel
Example: You need a umbrella. It’s going to rain later.
1. How long _______________________ you _______________________ here in the US?
2. Hurry up! We___________________________________ the bus.
3. I don’t want to go skiing. I know I ___________________________________ it.
4. Do you think Elizabeth ___________________________________ her exams?
5. I ___________________________________ around the South America one day.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒ Going to  

1. How long are you going to travel here in the US?

2. Hurry up! We are going to miss the bus.

3. I don’t want to go skiing. I know I am not going to enjoy it.

4. Do you think Elizabeth is going to pass her exams?

5. I am going to travel around the South America one day.


→→  Future with going to >>> usado para fazer previsões baseadas em evidências


Robert, look at your school report! This way, you are not going to pass.

Robert, olhe seu boletim. Desse jeito, você não vai passar (de ano).

evidência >> boletim

Look at the dark clouds!! It´s going to rain soon!

Olhe as nuvens escuras! Vai chover daqui a pouco!

evidência >>> as nuvens escuras  

→→   Future with going to >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.

I am going to the grocery in the afternoon.

David is going to arrive late today because he's still working.

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