Inglês, perguntado por mendeswathilla, 1 mês atrás

complete the senteces with these words from the text ?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EstudanteAnônimoBR

1- Nervous cells never reproduce;

2- The moon has four phases;

3- There are 46 chromosomes in the human cell;

4- Cell reproduction assures the continuation of life;

5- Living organisms reproduce their own kind;

6- Genetic engineers are studying the process of duplication of genes;

7- They group the sick animals in a special stable;

8- Mitosis is a process for the reproduction of living things;

9- Let's push the car towards that tree;

10- Erik was born in Amsterdam. Thus he is a Dutch citizen.

Espero ter ajudado! Não tenho 100% de certeza, mas tá aí ;)

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