Inglês, perguntado por SooyoungLee20, 10 meses atrás

Complete the following sentences using the information given in parentheses:

1._______________ late for the bus if we wait for this TV program to finish? (will/we/to be).

2._______________ me a favor and return this book to the library? (could/you/to do).

3.________________ your parents now? It's almost midnight. (should/you/ to call).

4. I know you're from a small town, but __________________ any movie theaters here? (have/they/got).

5._________________ to bed now? You have to get up early tomorrow. (are/you/to go).

6.__________________ a lot during the spring in Chicago? (does/it/to rain).

7. Dave looks cold. ________________ to borrow one of your jackets? (would/he/to like).

8. Where is Alice? _________________ she was going to be here at 5 o'clock? (did/she/to say).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jperuzzi
1. We will be
2. Could you do
3. Should you call
4. do they have
5. Are you going to
6. Does it rain
7. Would he like
8. Did she say 

SooyoungLee20: pode me dizer como faz no negativo?
jperuzzi: Adicione o “not”. Exemplo: could you not, are you not going to, etc
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