Inglês, perguntado por thaiscarpenter, 11 meses atrás

Complete the dialogue:
Kathy: (complete)
George: yes, I met him yesterday. He is the leader of the team right?
Kathy: (complete)
George: i heard he has a bad temper, but i've never seen him get mad.
Kathy: (complete)
George: yes, it would be tough to be on a team like that, but they do win all the time. Maybe it's because he's so strict.
Kathy: (complete)
George: oh, I'll see you at the next game Kathy. Have a good night.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AnaKaori
Have you met,____ ( exemplo:Bobby)??

I've heard he gets mad very easily.

It must be chaotic to work on his team

Yeah, i have to go now. See you later
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