Inglês, perguntado por laryevelyn33, 7 meses atrás

Complete the chart with the correct forms of the verbs.
Lembre-se que na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) o verbo recebe a terminação S, ES ou IES.
1. I work
she works
7. I live in Fortaleza
she ______ in Rio
2. I go
he ___________
8. I take the bus
he takes a taxi
3. I watch TV
she ___________
9. I teach History
Núbia ______ Art
4. I collect stamps
he collects toy cars
10. I have a computer
he ________ a tablet
5. I dance
she ___________
11. I listen to rock
she _______ to rap
6. I do the homework
he ___________
12. I study Geography
he _______ Math

Complete the correct form of the text with the verbs in the box.
do - go - listen - talk - study - work - get up - have - live - teach - write

This is my cousin, Sarah Parks. She’s 14. She ___lives___ in London. She ___________ at 6:00 everyday. Then she ___________ to school. Sarah ___________ very hard in school. Mrs. Haywood is her favorite teacher. Mrs Haywood ___________ Music.
After school, Mary Ann ___________ her homework and ___________ to music in her room. She ___________ a computer in her room. At night, she talks on the phones and ___________ e-mail messages to her friends

Write 3 sentences about your friends or family members.
My brother has a car.
My mother studies Italian.
My friend Lilian listens to rock.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por aimeanlove

Encorajo você a tentar, também! Mas aqui vai:

1. I work

she works

7. I live in Fortaleza

she lives in Rio

2. I go

he goes

8. I take the bus

he takes a taxi

3. I watch TV

she watches TV

9. I teach History

Núbia teaches Art

4. I collect stamps

he collects toy cars

10. I have a computer

he has a tablet

5. I dance

she dances

11. I listen to rock

she listens to rap

6. I do the homework

he does the homework

12. I study Geography

he studies Geography

Complete the correct form of the text with the verbs in the box.

do - go - listen - talk - study - work - get up - have - live - teach - write

This is my cousin, Sarah Parks. She’s 14. She lives in London. She gets up at 6:00 everyday. Then she goes to school. Sarah works/studies very hard in school. Mrs. Haywood is her favorite teacher. Mrs Haywood teaches Music. After school, Mary Ann does her homework and listens to music in her room. She has a computer in her room. At night, she talks on the phones and writes e-mail messages to her friends

Write 3 sentences about your friends or family members.


My brother has a car.

My mother studies Italian.

My friend Lilian listens to rock.

My friend teaches Music.

My mother has a computer in her room.

My cousin Sarah goes to school.

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