Inglês, perguntado por ribeiroyasmin343, 1 ano atrás

complete os espaços com o "demonstrative pronoun" correto: this, that, these ou those
A) do you see____ Boys over there?
B) - wow, your earrings are so pretty!
-thanks! i usually don't wear jewebry, but _____ two are special!
C) - i love____ car!
-which one?
-the gray one, next to the big truck
D) - do you remember ____ shirts we say at macy's yesterday?
-they're on sale today. let's go there and buy a few
E) - Jane, is _____ your bag?
- no, this one is sara's
F) - ______ food is delicius! and is look beautiful too.
- i'm glad you like it.
G) - sorry i'm late!
- ______ 's ok.
H) i like ______ socks. they're so soft! ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amanditarodrigueshey


segue resposta


A- those

B- these

C- that

D- that

E- this

F- this

G- that

H- this

espero que tenha ajudado :)

Respondido por gabrielavit1213


eu não sei não sei português direito imagina inglês


eu não sei mesmo

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