Inglês, perguntado por beatrizeloahdarosdef, 7 meses atrás

complete com theres ou there are 1._______________________books on the table. 2_______________________many cars in the street. 3_______________________a blackboard on the wall 4--------------------------------------------a pencil next the book 5_______________________many crayons in the pencil case 6________________________a notebbok under the table 7________________________seven pencil in the backpack 8_________________________a church in downtown. 9_________________________a sharpener on yhe desk 10________________________many colered pencils in my classroom

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dudamoregula


1. There are

2. There are

3. There is

4. There is

5. There are

6. There is

7. There are

8. There is

9. There is

10. There are

beatrizeloahdarosdef: obrigada;)
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