Inglês, perguntado por lilian2634, 8 meses atrás

Complete com o Simple Past dos verbos entre parênteses.
a) I ________________ to talk to Patrícia last night. (to try)
b) The children __________________ to school yesterday. (to walk)
c) My parents __________________ to Brasilia two weeks ago. (to move)
d) I __________________ at home yesterday. (to stay)
e) John ________________ me this morning, so I ________________ him. (to need) (to help)
f) That history ______________________ many years ago. (to happen)
g) They __________________ late and _________________ the concert. (to arrive) (to miss)
h) Cabral _____________________ Brazil almost five centuries ago. (to discover)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leticiafafe2005
a) tried
b) walked
c) moved
d) stayed
e) needed; helped
f) happened
g) arrived; missed
h) discovered
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