Inglês, perguntado por canetinha16, 9 meses atrás

Complete com Am, ARE ou IS
Sue and I _________ friends.
The car ________ red.
The cars ________ Black.
My friends _________ happy.
His parents __________ tired today.
Everybody ____________ tired today.
The man ___________ young.
The man __________ young.
People __________ sad.
Where ___________ the love?
_________ they redy?
How old _________ you?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por joaomarcelogurgel11



)The buses are brown. 

2) People aresad today. 

3) Their friend is happy today. 

4) I am a teacher. 

5) You are students. 

6) He is well. 

7) The men are young. 

8) The man is young. 

9) Someone is here. 

10) Where were the men when the police arrived? 

2- Complete com a forma negativa do verbo to be no presente: 

1) The buses aren't brown. 

2) People aren't sad today. 

3) Their friend isn't happy today. 

4) I am not a teacher. 

5) You aren't  students. 

6) He isn't well. 

7) The men aren't young. 

8) The man  isn't young. 

9) Someone  isn't here. 

10) Where weren't the men when the police arrived?

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