Inglês, perguntado por gilvarmanuel, 2 meses atrás

Complete as sentenças usando MANY ou MUCH

1-I haven’t read ____ books

2-How___time do you need to finish this assignment?

3-she hasn’t got___friends

4-I didn’t do ____ work today

5-she didn’t eat ___food

6-There aren’t ___trees in the garden

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AdrianoKotobuki


1 many

2 much

3 many

4 much

5 many

6 many

Respondido por natalymiranda1oxkdkk

Resposta: 1- I haven’t read _much_ books

2- How _many_ time do you need to finish this assignment?


3- She hasn’t got _much_ friends

4- I didn’t do _much_ work today

5- She didn’t eat _much_ food

6- There aren’t _many_ trees in the garden

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