Inglês, perguntado por ClauReis64, 1 ano atrás

Complete as sentenças abaixo com o verbo to be nas formas afirmativas e

interrogativas. Preste atenção no Sujeito das frases (nomes próprios e pronomes)

para saber qual forma do verbo utilizar. Consulte a tabela.

a) My name is Peter. I________15 years old now and I study in a good school

in Caxias do Sul. I have a brother and a sister. He_____10. She______8.

They______good kids.

b) I _____ Brazilian and I live in Caxias do Sul.

c) ________you talking to me?

d) What_________he doing?. I think Mike_____crazy.

e) My dog________playing in the garden.

f) The doors__________closed.

g) My friends___________the best.

h) Where________your parents? ________they coming?

i) We___________happy in this school. Teachers___________very nice.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 1heisenberg


a) 'm - is - is - are

b) am

c) Are

d) is - is

e) is

f) are

g) are

h) are - Are

i) are - are

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