Inglês, perguntado por PACHECANO1607, 4 meses atrás

Complete as sentenças abaixo com o uso adequado de around, from ou of.

1. Some species____ fruit came_____ different parts _____the world.

2. Kiwi came ____ China; mango came _____Asia; avocado is _____ Mexico.

3. We will live in this part _____the town ____ today on.

4. If a shop is open 24 hours a day, it is open _____ noung the clock.

5. There were many yellow ribbons tied _____ the trees .

6. The earth moves _____ the sun and _____ itself

7. In certain times ____ the year there are high levels _____ pollens in the air _____ trees.

8. The use ____ this medicine relieves the itching ____ hives.

9. _____ six o'alock the airplane started to make circles _____ over Pirassununga.

10. They danced _____ the floor by the sound ____ the song "The girl Ipanema".

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por RMJC16


1. Of - From - Of

2. From - From - From

3. Of - From

4. Around

5. Around

6. Around - around

7. Of - Of - From

8. Of - Of

9. Around - around

10. Around - of - From


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