Inglês, perguntado por otaviohrmoreira, 6 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando QUESTION TAGS corretamente:
She’s met my boyfriend, ___________________________?
She’ll talk about it tomorrow, _____________________?
Let’s play this game, ___________________?
Don’t sit here, _______________________?
He’s going to say the truth, _______________________?
She never explains the problem, ___________________?
Open your books, __________________________?
I am very happy today, ______________________?
He played a lot, _____________________________?
There is an actor here, ________________________?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por benjiminn


She’s met my boyfriend, hasn't she?

She’ll talk about it tomorrow, won't she?

Let’s play this game, shall we?

Don’t sit here, will you?

He’s going to say the truth, isn't he?

She never explains the problem, does she?

Open your books, won't you?

I am very happy today, aren't I?

He played a lot, did he?

There is an actor here, isn't there?

Question tags são pequenas perguntas que vêm no final das frases com o intuito de questionar/confirmar algo. Sempre depois de vírgulas e se a oração principal estiver na afirmativa, o question tag deverá vir na forma negativa. Mas se a oração principal estiver na negativa o question tag deverá vir na forma afirmativa.

Espero ter ajudado!

otaviohrmoreira: mt obrigado <3
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