Inglês, perguntado por camilacampos13569, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando a forma correta dos verbos no Past Perfect. Lembre-se de pôr o Had antes do verbo.
a) I had cleaned (to clean) the house when my mother arrived.
b) I __________________ (to read) the book before I watched the movies.
c) Emily _______________ (to write) a book before she turned fourteen.
d) We ________________ (to study) for the test.
e) Mart _________________ (to fall) sleep when the game started.
f) Sam and I _______________ (to cry) by the time the movie ended.
g) dobby __________________ (to receive) a sock when he became a free elf.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

a) I had cleaned (to clean) the house when my mother arrived.

b) I had read (to read) the book before I watched the movies.

c) Emily had written (to write) a book before she turned fourteen.

d) We had studied (to study) for the test.

e) Mart had fallen (to fall) sleep when the game started.

f) Sam and I had cried (to cry) by the time the movie ended.

g) dobby had received (to receive) a sock when he became a free elf.

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