Inglês, perguntado por ts8872224, 1 ano atrás

complete as frases om as palavras da caixa abaixo:
That backpack is___mine___( I )
That money is ____________ . ( he)
That bike is_____________. (she)
That cell phone is __________. (Maria)
That house is___________. (we)
That house is ___________. (their)
That lipstick is___________. (she)

fatinhapoerte: That money is his. ( he)
That bike is hers. (she)
That house is ours. (we)
That house is theirs. (their)
That lipstick is hers. (she)
ts8872224: cv sabe merespondder esta questão...

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por xXEspertinhoXx


That backpack is mine

That money is his

That bike is hers

That cell phone is hers

That house is ours

That house is theirs

That lipstick is hers

ts8872224: vc sabe me responder esta questão...
xXEspertinhoXx: essa qual? eu respondi essa aqui no meio das linhas
ts8872224: te q completar onde eu pus( ____) com as palavras MIne,yours,his,hers,its,ours,theirs
xXEspertinhoXx: sim foi oq eu fiz. olha no meio das (_____) são as palavras que estão no meio
xXEspertinhoXx: arrumei lá pra ficar mais fácil de ver
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