Inglês, perguntado por isaegley, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases conjugando os verbos no PRESENTE CONTÍNUO. Lembre-se de acrescentar o verbo to be, e ao verbo principal o ING; respeitando as regras acima.
a) The boys__________________________ tennis now. (play)
b) Michael __________________________ now. (work)
c) You ______________________________ TV now. (watch)
d) The baby __________________________. (cry)
e) We ____________________________ English now. (study)
f) She ____________________________ water. (drink)
g) The soccer players ______________________now. (run)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isalr

a) The boys are playing tennis now.

b) Michael are working now.

c) You are watching TV now.

d) The baby is crying.

e) We are studying English now.

f) She is drinking water.

g) The soccer players are running now.

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