Inglês, perguntado por mateusvp88pabv5y, 10 meses atrás

complete as frases com as seguintes palavras: Free - History - April 21st, 1792 - beautiful - Tiradentes ( usa duas vezes) - hero - was born
A) David needs help with his _______ paper.
B)David wants to know about______.
C) Joaquim José Da Silva Xavier________in 1746.
D)Today the city he was born is called________.
E)He led a movement to__________ the Brazilian people from government exploitation.
F)He was hanged on_______.
G)David thinks that it is a sad but______history of a________.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anaclaracastropb1olt

1- a- free

b- april 21st, 192

c- was born

d- tiradentes

e- history

f- hero

g- beautiful/ tiradentes

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