Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 10 meses atrás

complete as frases com a forma do Present continuos
a) i (study) ate the moment
b) i (not - slup) in the classroon rigth now
c) you (play) badminton tonight
d) We (watch) television
e) She (nat - Wark) in Spain
f) He (Wait) for the bus right now
g) We (not - go) to lhe cinema tonight
h) i (live) in paris
i) the (lions) now
j) She (iat) chocolate during lhe movie

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LauraRs0
a. I am studying at the moment
b. (creio que esse verbo esteja errado)
c. You are going to play badmington tonight
d. We are watching television
e. She is not working in Spain (assumi que o verbo fosse "work")
f. He is waiting for the bus right now
g. We are not going to the cinema tonight
h. I am living in Paris
i. (creio que a frase não esteja completa)
j. She was eating chocolate during the movie (assumi que o verbo fosse "eat")

Mayaralethicia: Oii você pode responder à pergunta de inglês que está no meu perfil ?
Mayaralethicia: Responda de acordo com as conditional

1- He... this book if he.... it.

A) enjoys, Will real

B) will enjoy, reads

C) will enjoy, will read

2- if Carol....q cat, she... it Monty.

A) would have, Faller

B) had, would call

C) would have, would call

3- i... very happy if i.... japonese.

A) would be, spoke

B) would be, would speak

C) were, would speak

4) i............ you, if you........ me.

A)would have helped, had asked

B) had helped, would have asked

C) would have helped, would have asked
Mayaralethicia: É de marcar a alternativa correta
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