Inglês, perguntado por gustavomoh, 10 meses atrás

Complete as Frases abaixo utilizando os modais : CAN, MUST, SHOULD, MUSTN't ou SHOULDN't

a) You_____Cross the street when the traffic lights are red.
b) They____Play The guitar.
c) We____go to the club. it depends on the weather.
b) You_____ stuy the windows because it is raining.
e) We _____ Obbey the law.

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por KlausGreuber

a) You MUSTN'T Cross the street when the traffic lights are red.

b) They CAN Play The guitar.

c) We CAN go to the club. it depends on the weather.

b) You SHOULD  stuy the windows because it is raining.

e) We MUST Obbey the law.

gustavomoh: Obrigado me ajudou bastante
Respondido por Philosoraptor

a) You Shouldn't  cross the street when the traffic lights are red.

b) They should play The guitar.

c) We can go to the club. it depends on the weather.

b) You mustn't stuy (?) the windows because it is raining.

e) We must obbey the law.

Acho que nunca vi uma utilização de "mustn't" em lugar nenhum kkkk


gustavomoh: Obrigado Pela Ajuda Philo
Philosoraptor: Se apertar o botãozinho de "melhor resposta" pra mim - é humilde
Philosoraptor: iaeuhraeuhr
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