Inglês, perguntado por thaliamarcos7983, 9 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo usando as regras do past simple a)i_______(try) tô talk to Helen last night b)arnold_______(love)his wife Very much c)we________(jog) in the park yerterday d)they_________(decide) not to go out e)a torndo________(destroy) the vilegge last weck f)Lúcio _________(stop) at the corner and_______(call) us
g)we________(carrgher) home bearuse she _________(faint)
h)she was cleaming the vere when she ________(drop) It
i) Daniel_________ (play) vídeo game yester day

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anonimus1231
I tried to talk o Helen last night
Arnold loves his wife very much
We jogged in the park yesterday
They decided not to go out
A torndo destroyed the vilegge last week
Lúcio stopped ate the corner and called us
We carried her home because she fainted
She was cleaning the vere when she dropped it
Daniel played video game last night
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